Track and Build Youtube channel

Oil Pressure Analysis

Upload AIM .csv file (by RS3)
Uploaded file :

Visualization paramters
Lap times
Min oil pressure (PSI)
Max oil pressure (PSI)
Sampling rate


For this tool to work smoothly, please make sure the .csv file you are uploading is exported by AIM RaceStudio 3 (not RS 2) or follows the same format as this sample file (click link to see)

Mandatory fields are

  • ['Time', 'GPS_Speed', 'GPS_Latitude', 'GPS_Longitude', 'OilPressure']
  • Optional fileds are

  • ['GPS_LatAcc', 'GPS_LonAcc', 'GPS_Altitude', 'LateralAcc', 'VerticalAcc', 'OilTemp']

  • Result Example